viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2022


 IN RELATION TO OUR SALVATION  AND LOVE.                                                                                           1


GOD gives us life and Pope Johanes Paulus II, says to us: …”human life in general has value in the sense and measure that it is the answer to the question: ¿ do you love ¿, ¿do you love me” ? . Only  thanks to the affirmative answer, life is worth to be lived. And I say to you, ¿how is it posible not to love, God father, Jesus Christ, the second person, and the Holy Spirit,  of the Trinity one God?  All we are is given to us  by God Creator, our existance, life, and all we have as unrrepeatable person. Jesus is the savior that gives his own life for our salvation, and the Holy Spirit that inspires us all we need to win the promises of the Eternal life of happiness. Owr soul´s main duty is to love God and after that mankind, all humanity, of course with the preference of our nearest family.

Lets for a moment remember what Jesus does for us: He lived as human, being God and all what this is, he took human flesh, and being perfect God, he is (and was among us a perfect man), same as us in all except sin, he was absolutely pure all his life. His love of us is greater, much greater tan ours for him, in all cases. He formed his apostles, and through them left us the Gospels. He iniciated the only true church:  The Only, Holy,  Catholic,  Apostolic, Roman Church, and its Sacraments. In his agony,  nailed to the Holy Cross, He gave us his own Mother as our Mother (in Heaven). He gives us the Doctrine, the example of his family and personal life, he sufered injustice, was hited, lashed, tortured, crowned with spines, insulted, and finnaly crucified. And all He did was good and only good, curing, saving the possessed by demons, teaching, forming  women and men, performed miracles  bringing to life the dead.  Finally, gave his own human life dying in agony for us,  crucified in the cross, the instrument of torture of the romans and other civizations of those times, and He did it for  our salvation. His love for each one of us, (all humanity) is eternal, it exists for ever before we were nothing, He allready loved us.  ¿HOW NOT TO LOVE THIS?.

The plan for us menkind from God, after the Original Sin, and according with his promise is: the anouncement by the prophets of the incarmation of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity,  that was among us to grant the possibility of salvation for those who believe in Jesus Christ, and that follow his doctrine, obey the Commandments of his Law and his Church, in other words those who follow God´s will. ¿HOW NOT TO LOVE THIS?.

In regard to the Holy Spirit, we must remember what was said  by Jesus, before He went back to His Father in Haven, ….”I most go away, and it is for your advantage, because the Counsellor will come, and He will bring to you, from the Father the spirit of truth,  and speak what the Father tells Him, he will guide you to all the truth and bear witness to my teachings”.…….He will with his precense among you strenghten and deepen the conciousness of its divine presence and our human misión. ¿HOW NOT TO LOVE THIS?

  Accepting the spirit of obedience, accepting the command: “ feed my lambs” given to saint Peter and trough him to all of us,  this is the reason why we have to keep and promote our religión, helping its permanece in time, wich we do first of all trough our own children, that we must introduce into catholic faith, and then after, to wich we can, and that is true love,  do our own apostolate.

Since we receive so much love from God, in return seeking others to love him, trough knowing him, given that we cannot love what we do not know. Making known  God and his religión is how we contribute to the development of chistinity, this can be done in every place we are living. Lets remember that first is praying, second friendship and only third teaching those who know less tan we do. Let us seek the help of our Mother of heaven, by asking in pray, for  her to enligthen us to do our apostolate duty whith love of God. ¿ HOW NOT TO LOVE THIS ? .

Jorge Casas y Sánchez.

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