The most important hapennning in
the history of the world is the day that we celebrate in the nigth of the 24
and the day of 25 every december, Jesus Christh is born from Virgin Mary.
It is the most important
festivity in many places of the world, and I think one of them is U.S., but
frecuently, the importance of the festivity is more social tan religious.
It is frecuently said that, that
God extracts goods from the bad, and this bad pandemia can be an opportunity to
demostrate it. Primarily due to all those persons that before dying have had
the chance to repent and enter the other world saved, and now are in heaven. And
other manner among more, is the chance of many to reconsider that we are so
near of finishing our existence in earth, and that permits to evaluate all we
have misused, all the things that we could have done, and did not do, the
things we have valued as important, that are not so, and the values we did not apreciated, or lived, or loved, due to lack of reach, activity, real interest or
absense of power of will. In otherwords this pandemia has introduced in us a
way of seeing life from an othter perspective. Most important, going to the Sacrament
of Confession, and repent of our sins. And it is good.
An other good thing that is
taking place is the closer family life, we are spending much more time among
our dearest persons, increasing the communication, the chances to know each one
better, to have tender relations, and the treasure of closer conversations, and
One thing important in Christmas
and the following week is to consider profoundly, specialy with the children,
the so reach meannings of all the mistery, of the Little Child Jesus, that has
been given birth. His mother and Saint Joseph are creatures so charrised by the
scriptures, their history in Bethlehem and before is to be told to them Young persons.
I personally wish to all the
persons, that get this little article the best Christmas of their life, even in
this dramatic circumstances, but being
closer to God is the best thing that can happen to us all.
Jorge Casas y Sánchez.